Samstag, Januar 20, 2007

Abschiedgrüße aus Kiew

Dear Friends!

Happy New Year to all of you and your families! I have moved to Kiev and as you may know here we just have (almost) finished our holidays. :-)

So, THANK you, Hans, for very nice pictures from "Sylvesterkick2006"! :-) Looks like I was there, too!

I also started to play football here (with my team in Kiev) and hope to be in a good form soon. We play twice per week (Wednesday at 19.00 and Saturday at 8.00 morning) at some gymnasium.

Improving my indoor skills

I wish you a good weather for each Saturday in Bonn! Thank for the time I spent with you at the Hofgarten!

With kind regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Yours, Sergiy

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